Edo Murtić - Croatian Art - Lyrical Abstraction

Edo Murtić (1921–2005) was a painter from Croatia, best known for his lyrical abstraction and abstract expressionism style. He worked in a variety of media, including oil painting, gouache, graphic design, ceramics, mosaics, murals and theatrical set design. Murtić travelled and exhibited extensively in Europe and North America, gaining international recognition for his work, which can be found museums, galleries and private collections worldwide. He was one of the founders of the group “March” (Mart) in 1956, and received many international awards. In 1958 Murtić participated in the three biggest events in the world of contemporary art: the Venice Biennale











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Paintings For Order

Dear friends. I am professional artist with many years of experience. I would like to offer you unique opportunity of having a painting, made according to your individual wishes. Oils, watercolours, graphics, portraits or decorative motives, small or large- your involvement in creating of art will make your interiors very special. To ensure highest standard and unique nature of my art  I use only traditional techniques and methods..Milena Olesinska

Exposition Art Blog
Exposition Art Blog
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